Saturday, May 8, 2010

End of the Year and the End of a Career

One of the things I wanted to get done before I retired was to get the house in good repair. Even though I am retiring a year earlier than I had planned, I am actually getting it all done. My fabulous contractor Jody has put in 10 new windows in the back room overlooking the pool, along with moving the door around to the north side of the back yard. This gives us a gorgeous view of the pool and plants. We will also have a gated deck so that the little grandchildren can actually play outside. I never thought that I would live in such a beautiful house as this is turning out to be!

I have taught my last class; all that is left is to balance the grades, write the annual report, and pack my things and bring them home. Closets have been cleaned out, lots of stuff given to the church garage sale, and even the office has been improved some (I have to have a mess somewhere or it won't feel like home.)

The students and faculty gave me such a tribute last Friday night at the BSSW Student Banquet that I am still enjoying the glow from it. I feel that at the apex of my career I was respected, loved, and going to be missed. What a great way to leave! One of the things I have always believed is to leave while people still want you to stay.

Here is what was written on the plaque they presented to me:

For impeccable service and dedication to the social work field.
You were a mentor, an advocate, and you motivated us to succeed.
You made a difference in our lives.
The BSW students of UNT.

Then each one of the students wrote an individual note as well.
Who could want to accomplish any more than this?